Daniel B. SzyldDepartment of MathematicsCollege of Science and Technology Temple University (038-16) 1805 N Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19122-6094, USA Phone +1 215 204 7288 FAX +1 215 204 6433 szyld AT temple DOT edu |
My interest is Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing in general,
and Numerical and Applied Linear Algebra in particular.
I am currently the
President of the
International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) (2020-2026),
and a member of the Board of Trustees of
The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)
Previously, I was
Vice-President (at large) of the
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) (2014-2015).
I am a member of the Editorial Boards of:
Advanced Studies:
Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal (published by the Tiblisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences),
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA) (Co-editor-in-Chief, 2005-2013)
Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory (published by the Romanian Academy).
Linear Algebra and its Applications,
Mathematics of Computation,
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications.
Previously, I serve on the boards of
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (1995-2023),
SeMA Journal, and the
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Application
(2003-2020, Editor-in-Chief, 2015-2020).
Link to my Wikipedia page.
Link to my profile
in the Latinxs and Hispanics in
Mathematical Sciences website.
Mathematicians and Ethical Engagement, from SIAM News, November 2018.
The Importance of Ethics in Mathematics by Maurice Chiodo and Toby Clifton, Nesletter of the London Mathematical Society, September 2019, pp. 22-26.
Why are there so few Black Professors in our Universities? (in French) by Ivar Ekeland, Gazette des Mathematiciens, from the French Mathematical Society, April 2021.
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Isaac Klapper, Daniel B. Szyld,
and Kai Zhao,
Metabolic Networks, Elementary Flux Modes, and Polyhedral Cones, SIAM, 2021. Bibtex. |
Work on most of these papers was supported in part by the Department of Energy (Office of Science), and by the National Science Foundation.
Matrices with Perron-Frobenius Properties, given at the Workshop on Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Nonnnegative Matrices at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 27-29 July 2012.
Asynchronous Optimized Schwarz Methods for the solution of PDEs, given at Cornell on 6 November 2015.
Honors, Awards, and Recognitions.
Commemorative medal of the School of Mathematics and Physics,
Charles University of Prague, at the
Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel
Computing, June 16-21, 1997, Milovy, Czech Republic.
in the book Hall of Fame containing
linocuts portraits
of scientists in
the field of scientific computing made by
Henk van der Vorst.
Published by
SARA, the High Performance Computing Agency of the Netherlands,
December 2010.
Dean's Distinguished Award for Excellence in Research,
College of Science and Technology, Temple University,
October 2011.
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society,
Class of 2017.
Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Class of 2017.
(A note from the College's news on these two recognitions).
Achievement in Mathematics Award,
College of Science and Technology 20th Anniversary Special Recognition, Temple University,
Faculty Senate Outstanding Service Award, Temple University, 2021.
Latest trends and insights into matrix theory, iterative methods, and preconditioning, A conference honoring the 65th birthday of Prof. Daniel B. Szyld, 24-26 March 2022, Temple University, Philadelphia.
A report on the conference in IMAGE.
Scientific Societies.
American Mathematical Society (AMS).
Asociación Argenitina de Matemática Aplicada, Computational e Industrial
Association for Women
in Mathematics (AWM).
GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra .
International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS).
Mathematical Council of the Americas.
National Association of Mathematicians (NAM).
Societé Mathématique de France (SMF).
Raices E-USA, a network of Argentinian scholars and scientists in the US.
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM). Check this video clip:
Why be a SIAM member?
SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra. See an article
Trends in Linear Algebra.
Spectra, The Association for LGBT Mathematicians.
Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe
Check also the pages for
Domain Decomposition Methods,
and for the
Householder Symposia.
Some great resources: Why do math?, What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences?, Guide for Women in Mathematics: History, Scholarships, and Career Potential.
Four wonderful websites honoring mathematicians: Mathematically Gifted and Black, Mathematicians of the African Diaspora, Latin@s and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences, Indigenous Mathematicians.
and the Prison Mathematics Project.
Last updated: 21 November 2024