This page explains how to add a seminar talk to an existing seminar series. To create a seminar series, see Resources > Toolbox > Creating a Seminar Series
The introduction in each seminar web page is stored in /www/apache/events/seminars/sem/.intro, where sem is the folder corresponding to the seminar. You may edit this file.
Seminar talks are stored under the folder /www/apache/events/seminars. You do not have permissions to modify the contents of this folder. To repeat, you cannot edit the seminar HTML files directly. Instead, seminar talks are entered on the Google Calendar App (gcal) Every time a seminar page is loaded, seminar talks for the current year, including abstracts, are downloaded from gcal to the local folder /www/apache/events/seminars.
To add seminar talks, we assume you are logged into your Temple Google account and you have write access to Here are the steps.
An event may have multiple hashtags. Allowable hashtags are names of the subfolders of /www/apache/events/seminars. Currently these are #colloquium #grosswald #algebra #analysis #applied #numbertheory #awm #bigideas #geometry #globalanalysis #gradanalysis #gradsem #probability #mathclub #numbers #special .
There are two distinct methods of entering a talk abstract.
The first method is to insert the abstract directly into the event description, after separating it from the speaker affiliation by a blank line. You may insert HTML or \(\LaTeX\) in the description, and paragraphs should be separated by blank lines.
The second method is to click on "Add attachment" and upload a pdf file. If you select this method, you'll need to make the attachment public. To make this attachment public, do the following:
WARNING: All uploaded files must have distinct names [across all talks for all time], so be sure to include a date in the file name.