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Several of our majors presented their research at the Philadelphia Undergraduate Mathematics Conference and the Math Association of America's EPADel Spring Sectional.
Brandon Calia presented on voting theory; Chris Heitmann in group theory and music; Dean Quach on the perfect cuboid problem; Liz Ant-Fraioli on fixed point theory, and Joe Trachtman on range voting.
Congrats to all.
Congratulations to this year's departmental award recipients:
Read the full article featuring Professor Benni Seibold.
Congratulations to our colleagues on their recently awarded NSF grants:
Yury Grabovsky, "Study of instabilities in phase transitions, shell buckling, and inverse problems",
Isaac Klapper, "ML/AI-assisted environmental scale microbial metabolic models" (a three institution award, joint between Montana State, UCSD, and Temple).
Jaclyn Lang, "Congruences between modular forms, Galois representations, and Arithmetic Consequences",
Benni Seibold, "Collaborative Research: Accuracy-Preserving Robust Time-Stepping Methods for Fluid Problems" (joint with David Shirokoff of NJIT).
Read Emeritus Professor J.A. Paulos' new article in 3 Quarks Daily.
Sam Taylor has received the inaugural Hazel Tomlinson Professorship. Named to honor the legacy H. Tomlinson, who taught in Temple's Chemistry Department for over forty years, this position provides five years of research support. Many congratulations Sam!
Professors Jaclyn Lang and Irina Mitrea have both been awarded Travel Grants from the Simons Foundation for their projects Congruences between modular forms and arithmetic applications, and Geometric Harmonic Analysis Techniques for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in Irregular Domains, respectively.
The department's Grosswald lectures will be held in person for the fist time since Fall 2019. This year's speaker is Sylvia Serfaty of the Courant Institute