A conference on numerical analysis and scientific computing for graduate students and postdocs in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Friday, 28 October 2022

The Conference

This one-day meeting will start at 10am to allow same-day travel.
It will be held in Room 617 Wachman Hall, Temple University, 1805 North Broad Street, just north of Montgomery Avenue.
It is an opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to present their research, and to meet other researchers.
There will be contributed talks and a poster session.
There is no registration fee, and no support for travel. Lunch will be provided.
We ask every participant to please register in advance, even if they are not planning to give a talk.

Keynote Speaker

Qiang Du, Columbia University

Learning Hidden Dynamics: From Practice to Numerical Analysis

Numerical integration of a given dynamic system can be viewed as a forward problem with the learning of hidden dynamics from available observations as an inverse problem. The latter appears in various settings such as model reductions of multiscale processes, and more recently, data-driven modeling via deep/machine learning. The solution of both forward and inverse problems forms the loop of informative and intelligent scientific computing. Some related issues, e.g., the identification of state variables and the selection of numerical methods, are discussed in this lecture. In particular, a question to be investigated is whether a good numerical integrator for discretizing prescribed dynamics is also good for discovering unknown dynamics in association with deep learning. The answer leads to new mathematical theory that enriches classical numerical analysis.

Registration and/or Abstract Submission

If you would like to participate (in any form), please register using the online registration form.
The deadline for the submission of talks was September 30, 2022.

Conference Announcement Poster

Click to download a PDF.


9:15-9:50Registration and breakfast (provided)
9:50-10:00Opening remarks
10:00-11:00   Presentations (Manifolds and Quantum Computing)
11:00-11:15Coffee Break
11:15-12:15Presentations (Numerical Analysis)
12:15-1:30Posters, demos, and lunch (provided)
1:30-2:30Keynote lecture (Qiang Du)
2:30-2:45Coffee break
2:45-3:45Presentations (Modeling and Simulation)
3:45-4:00Coffee break
4:00-5:00Presentations (Data Methods)
5:00-5:10Closing remarks
6:00-8:00Group dinner (attendance optional)


Manifolds and Quantum Computing
Samuel FrancisPotterNew York University   Butterfly-accelerated manifold harmonic transforms
Mohammadhossein Mohammadisiahroudi Lehigh University  Accurately solving linear systems with quantum oracles
ZeguanWuLehigh University  Inexact feasible quantum interior point method for linear and quadratic optimization
Numerical Analysis
YukunYueCarnegie Mellon University  On strong convergence of a numerical scheme for Q-tensor flow based on invariant quardratization method
LucasBouckUniversity of Maryland, College Park  Finite element approximation of a membrane model for liquid crystal polymeric networks
YangwenZhangCarnegie Mellon University  A new reduced order model of linear parabolic PDEs
Modeling and Simulation
LukeEvansUniversity of Maryland, College Park  Computing committors via Mahalanobis diffusion maps with enhanced sampling data
StephanieLewkiewiczTemple University  Computing the reproductive number of the invasive spotted lanternfly with a novel moving mesh method for stage-age-structured PDEs
MaryTaranchukUniversity of Delaware  Do sheets of nematic liquid crystals retain their shape when stretched?
Data Methods
AmirSagivColumbia University  Density estimation in uncertainty propagation - Approximating pushforward measures
JeromeTroyUniversity of Delaware  Learning dynamics with adaptive random Fourier features
MingkaiYuUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County  State and parameter estimation from partial state observations in stochastic reaction networks

Posters and Demos

RujekoChinomonaTemple University  Demonstration of the Neuro-VISOR project
Mariana Graciela  Martinez Aguilar  New York University  A semi-Lagrangian marcher for geometric optics on unstructured meshes in 2D
Andrew James   HigginsTemple University  Optimal size of the block in block GMRES on GPUs: Computational model and experiments
Kiera EloiseKeanTemple University  Energy dissipation rates in 1-equation turbulence models
CélineTorresUniversity of Maryland, College Park  On the inf-sup stabillity of Crouzeix-Raviart Stokes elements in 3D
Temple University  Balancing simplicity and accuracy in vehicle energy model


Make your own arrangements. Please feel free to contact us for information on accommodation.


Email: naday -at- temple.edu


Directions, Maps, Parking


Benjamin Seibold and Daniel B. Szyld


Sponsored and supported by the Department of Mathematics, the College of Science and Technology, the Graduate School, and the Center for Computational Mathematics and Modeling, Temple University.


Click on each image for closeup.

Photos by Benjamin Seibold and Remy Andrea

Previous Years

NA-Day 2019
NA-Day 2018
NA-Day 2017
NA-Day 2016
NA-Day 2015
NA-Day 2014
NA-Day 2013
NA-Day 2012
NA-Day 2011